Rebel Writers All Wrapped Up in One

Have you heard of the Rebel Writers? They call themselves a group of like-minded

word nerds, but what they really are is a group of self-published and hybrid authors

who have been busting their butts to put out some quality content over the last year.

They are releasing their first compilation and giving you a FREE sneak peek into one

of each of their books.


Description: This book is a compilation of chapters from the authors who make up

The Rebel Writers. The excerpts are not full-length novels and are only intended

to provide samples of multiple stories to expose you to new works. Included are

contemporary romance, fantasy, science fiction, dystopian and paranormal stories.

Regan Claire – Gathering Water

Della was handed a slim folder the day she turned eighteen. Inside it was the name

of her mother and the identity of a family that never tried to pull her from the foster

system she hates. When Della moves across the country to claim the only pieces of

her mother that still remain, she finds herself pulled into an unimaginable world

—one on the brink of war — and it takes everything Della has not to drown in a

destiny she didn’t choose. Can she move past her anger and pain to save the people

she’s come to love, or will her enemies strike before Della has the chance to become

the only weapon capable of destroying them?

Theresa Kay – Dark Expanse

In a world of military space stations, planetary jumps and alien offensives, nineteen-

year-old Eva Braebel’s life has never been easy. She’s small. She’s female. And she

earned the ire of a powerful General at a young age. With hard work and the support

of her friends, she achieves more than she ever dreamed possible: A position as

flight squadron leader and the man who she loves by her side. Eva just got

everything she’s ever wanted, but how long can she keep it?

Caylie Marcoe – Choose Us

Riley Logan and Travis Grayson have been best friends for fifteen years. Riley never

imagined that working as Travis’s personal assistant would land her the job of

undercover spy on a televised dating show meant to find him love. Travis forced her

into it and now the last girl she expected is the one she wants him to choose – her.

Stormy Smith – Bound by Duty

Amelia Bradbury is the last living Elder. She has power she can’t control and has

been forced to hide, while a prophecy dictates her fate even as she fights for a

normal life. She faces a betrothal she can’t stop and, on top of it all, she’s lost her

heart to a human. When the whole truth comes to light, will Amelia choose her duty

or her heart?

Elizabeth Tuttle – Spark of Light

Nearly a century ago the world was decimated by a magical war. In their defeat,

elves were captured by humans, cut off from their magic, and broken down into

lifeless, drone-like slaves. Avery is different. Never completely broken, she must

pretend in order to survive. But when love sparks the light inside Avery, her magic

blooms to full force. It’s only once she is ripped away from this love that Avery finds

herself at The Farm, facing truths she never expected and the possibility that she

could be spark her people need to reignite.

Kat Nichols – Family Secrets

Sophia Morganthal is an orphan that not only found herself flung halfway across the

country to live with relatives she never knew existed, but that those relatives came

from a long line of witches that require her to be initiated into their coven within the

year to prevent a battle for leadership. As Sophia learns more about herself, and

what being initiated into Blackthorne coven really means, she must answer the

ultimate question – would she give up everything for her family?

Download the first volume of Rebel Reads FOR FREE on:





Join the conversation in the Rebel Writers fan group on Facebook.

Are you an aspiring author looking for some support? Consider joining the Rebel

Alliance and we will connect you to other authors of varying levels. Bounce ideas,

ask questions about the industry and the process, share and critique work…the

options are endless for creating your own group of Rebels.

Cover Reveal for Misconduct by Penelope Douglas

One of my favorite authors has some awesome stuff coming our way soon! And to celebrate her upcoming novel today is Cover Reveal day for Misconduct!



Former tennis player Easton Bradbury is trying to be the best teacher she can be, trying to reach her bored students and trying to forget her past. What brought her to this stage in her life isn’t important. She can’t let it be. But now one parent-teacher meeting may be her undoing…

Meeting Tyler Marek for the first time makes it easy for Easton to see why his son is having trouble in school. The man knows how to manage businesses and wealth, not a teenage boy. Or a young teacher, for that matter, though he tries to. And yet…there is something about him that draws Easton in—a hint of vulnerability, a flash of attraction, a spark that might burn.

Wanting him is taboo. Needing him is undeniable. And his long-awaited touch will weaken Easton’s resolve—and reveal what should stay hidden…



Pre-Order Links – MISCONDUCT:






Author Bio:

Penelope Douglas is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Fall Away series. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Northern Iowa and a Master of Science in Education from Loyola University in New Orleans. Penelope lives in Las Vegas with her family.

Author Social links:







Full Measures by Rebecca Yarros


You can purchase this book here:

Author’s Facebook Page:

Author’s Website:

How many days to read: less than 24 hours

How many pages: 374

Song most listened to:

I lust Mia Asher’s Arsen and Kellan Kyle from the Thoughtless series. I love Wesley from Switched. Who couldn’t swoon over Ridge Lawson? And I adore more than I should Will Cooper from Slammed being that he’s a “fictional character”. But I absolutely fell head over heels in love with Josh Walker.

I without a doubt believe Rebecca Yarros will be my favorite new author of 2015. I should preface this by saying that even though her other novel is currently sitting on my kindle, I have yet to get the chance to read it, so Full Measures is my first of hers but her writing is so beautiful I have no doubt that claim will hold true.

I don’t do military reads. I just don’t. I made the same mistake with Making Faces by Amy Harmon. I would never pull the trigger on reading the book because it focused around guys going off to war and I shy away from such material even in movie form because to be honest it’s just HARD for me to watch or read. As much as I appreciate what trials military families endure, it’s one of those subjects that’s so hard for me to have to swallow, I try to stay away from it all together and not think about it. Because if it was my husband or son, I would be a complete wreck and I know that.

And book boys are easy to swoon over right? They’re usually written so wounded or romantic that it’s easy to get caught up in wanting to fix them or wanting your significant other to be like them and that’s ok. Frankly a lot of times, it’s why we readers read. Josh Walker is such a breath of fresh air. He’s perfectly imperfect. He’s an amazing mix of alpha and beta and if he was real and attached I might just have to become a homewrecker. And he’s only half of the story.

Half way through I had to stop and have this convo with my book bestie:


Then there’s Ember Howard. I adore her. I want to absorb her into my body and pull from her strength. I want to stop and say What Would Ember Howard Do? She is a special type of character that I could read about time after time again.

With that being said, every character in this book is phenomenal. Each one adds such an important value to the story line. They’re all dealing and grieving in their own way and Yarros depicts this in the most perfectly heart wrenching way. Each character written is perfection on paper.

In all honesty, I’m sitting here writing this review just thinking about this book and I’m tearing up. This is one of the most moving books I have read in such a long time it will stick with me in ways I wasn’t even expecting. This book is not just another read but a true gift from Rebecca Yarros.

Her writing is impeccable. Usually I can figure out most elements of the plot but I caught myself saying out loud “WHY DID YOU NOT SEE THAT COMING?” When I read the letter from her dad I had to go into the bathroom and lock the door to get through it without looking like a basket case in front of my family.

I love a read where I can walk away changed and Yarros does just that. I have such a new respect for military families and highlighted words worth reading daily just to keep in mind the important things in life and that’s why Full Measures is such a treasured read.

Fave Quotes:

“You’re giving away all these pieces of yourself, and if you don’t stop, there’s not going to be anything left of who you really are.”

“… I would have wrecked you back then.”…”You’re wrecking me now.” The confession was soft.

“….reminding us that grief had no mercy, time limit, or expiration date.”

“If you love that boy, you don’t get past him. Love is precious…..”

“Thank you for making my life worth living.”

Falling Away by Penelope Douglas


You can purchase this book here:

Author’s Website:

Author’s Facebook:

How long to read: not even 24 hours

How many pages: 429

Song most listened to:

I fell in love with the book Bully before I started blogging so I never got around to writing a review. Mistake.

Then I read Until You and it is quite possibly my fave book written from a male POV. But that was before I was blogging as well and I never wrote a review for that one either. Mistake Two.

Then comes Rival. I really consider this the third book of The Falling Away series and when the third one comes around I usually choose to kind of eh, tap out after that one. And Rival did fall a little flat for me and I think that was more because I didn’t feel a connection to Madoc and Fallon like I did with Jared and Tate. And I was seriously iffy about a FOURTH book. Mistake Three.

But let’s be honest, it’s Penelope Douglas and I would read whatever it is she writes because she’s one of my absolute favorites.

Then I heard Falling Away was coming and I did a little sigh. Really? A (what I personally consider) “Fourth” book? Is that at all necessary? A FOURTH BOOK? …I’m establishing a pattern. Mistake Four.

Then I read Falling Away and shut up. Because OHHH MAAAHH GAAAAAAHHHD! This book was nothing, absolutely NOTHING of what I was expecting, and with all the reading that I do, it was like sweet tea on a hot southern day. Refreshing.  Inspiring. It busted through everything I thought about having “another book” in a series and left me with a fire of want for anything/everything that comes next.

But I sat down to really think about why I love this book so much.  And it’s beecause KC and Jax are so broken in such a real way. Because men who have been through situations that Jax has turn out like a Trent NOT like a Grey. And women who have been through what KC has; turn out like KC. Because broken boys become broken men and broken women seem to become more than just another victim but stronger individuals and she perfectly depicts this within the pages of Falling Away. I don’t always walk away with “something” from every book I read and mostly that is because I do read so much but usually it’s simply the author just doesn’t have the skill in writing to convey such a strong storyline but Pen Douglas does just this. There was a line that resonated so much with me I STOPPED and thought it might be one of the most profound things I have read recently and wish it could be plastered around the walls of homes in America like those “Always Kiss Me Goodnight” or “Because two people fell in love” decals. Because real women want their men to be better, act better, treat them better and sadly it does fall on our shoulders a lot of the time to teach broken men this message. Whether it’s by a strong tongue or by simply walking away and showing them what they’ve lost.

Falling Away resonated with me in a way I won’t soon forget. There’s lots of sauce. Lots! Of! Sauce! And a message that everyone needs to read.

And man-oh-man that Aflame teaser at the end has me absolutely stoked about what is coming from Jared and Tate. They are one of my favorite book couples and I am ECSTATIC we get a little bit more of them. And she doesn’t just leave you hanging like most authors. She respects our love of Jared and Tate with letting us know exactly where she’s going with it and I absolutely adore her for it. To me that not only shows respect for your readers but a confidence in your writing that you don’t feel the need to keep your readers in limbo just to play games for the book sales.  AND she has a stand alone coming out this year that I can’t wait to read as well.

I highly recommend following Penelope Douglas on Facebook. Just when you need a little something something she’ll post a convo between Jared/Jax/Madoc that is just pure brilliance. Like free samples of your fave cookie just sitting there waiting to be devoured.

Fave Quotes:

Survival, not suffering.

I read once that the best thing that can happen to a woman is to get her heart broken. Before that, she has no real sense of herself. No real sense of pain because only in love does she know what it’s like to find the one thing that gives her breath and then lose it. After that, she know she can survive.

“Stop being a fucking moron,” I growled, “ and break the cycle, asshole!” <—- Put that on your walls people!

How to Hook a Bookworm by Cassie Mae


You can pre-order this novel here:

Release date: Jan. 2, 2015

Author’s facebook:

Author’s website:

How many pages: 242

How long to read: 24 hours

Song most listened to:

I always feel like it’s such a privilege to read a Cassie Mae book because of how good they leave me feeling. How to Hook a Bookworm is no exception. There’s always this level of comfort that comes with reading one of her novels that never fails. HtHaBW was such an incredible read for so many reasons I feel like none of the words that I write will do it justice.

My favorite part of this particular book is the realness of the characters. You’re not reading about rugged good looking trust fund babies. It’s about normal people. People who trip and fall, act completely dorky and drive rusty cars and live in trailers. I love the realness of the story and how it makes it that much more relatable. These characters are people you and I went to school with. Folks we see every day in class or at Walmart. There’s a reality in Cassie Mae’s writing that leaves her readers not only humbled but appreciative to read a story that could just as easily me mine or yours. I love the fact that these are books I can share proudly with my kids. I love that we get to watch these characters grow. I love that they are shouldering real world problems and that the struggle is real, the situations are heartbreaking but they pull through not in grandiose ways that would be unrealistic but in ways that people struggle to do every. Single. Day.

How to Hook a Bookworm was a fantastic book that left me feeling normal. Because I do chat more than I actually text and/or call on the telephone and I get that experience in this book. I adore the way we get to watch Brea mature and change and gain a self confidence in a humbling way. But mostly, I love how this book will stay with me. How it will warm my soul every time I see a Geo or hear the creak of someone’s car door.

And good grief page 154. Every single word. THE WHOLE PAGE. Cassie Mae’s ability to write details almost goes un-trumped. It makes me feel what the characters feel on a whole new level that creates and intimacy between reader and character I find to be unmatched by most authors.

With 20 pages left I had to stop because I just didn’t want this series to be over. I didn’t want to have to say goodbye Adam and Brea, Levi and Sierra, Zoe and Zak. And with 10 pages left, my heart began to race with the possibility that it wasn’t going to end the way that I wanted it to and I was ready to yell at the author. But in true Cassie Mae form, a heartwarming HEA was waiting to mend all the heartache.

Flawless. That’s the word I would use to most describe How to Hook a Bookworm. I loved everything about this story. From how quotable and sweet it is to how to romantic it reads without being cheesy. My heart is a little broken to say goodbye to these characters but I find satisfaction in knowing it ended in the best way possible.

How to Hook a Bookworm is the third book in the How to Series by Cassie Mae. They can all be read as a stand alone but I highly suggest first reading How to Date a Nerd followed by How to Seduce a Band Geek. You won’t be disappointed.

Fave Quotes:

“But I decided that the popularity of something holds no value when I make my choices. I make decisions for me.”

“And my stomach becomes a hive of bees making honey. Warm, busy, much too confusing.”

“ when you leave, I’m not sure if I’ll fall apart or if some of me will go with you.”

“In what way do you love me?” ….. “In every way.”

“I L word you too. Smartass.”

Easy Virtue by Mia Asher


Author’s Facebook:

Author’s Website:

How Long to Read: 2 days

Song most listened:

 Easy virtue was probably my most anticipated book of this year. I had read Arsen over the summer which turned out to be a phenomenal read for me and comes highly recommended, so when I heard Mia Asher was writing a new book I knew I had to have it.

My favorite thing about Asher as an author is that she writes with finesse that I just absolutely adore. She depicts these naughty situations that you’d be too embarrassed to admit to read if they were written by anyone else but she does it in such a classy way that her writing makes reading it all ok. This is exactly the case with Easy Virtue. I’ll be honest in telling you that this book was nothing that I was expecting and everything that I thought it would be. Her writing is flawless as always but from excerpts and teasers I really had an idea of what I thought this book was going to be and it turned out to be completely different. I should warn you Easy Virtue will not be a standalone and I was pissed that it ended where it did. I’m pretty sure with the shock value the ending possesses this was an evil genius move on Asher’s part. I also found it to be a little bit predictable for me but that didn’t take away from the beauty in the writing.

In all honesty, I can’t understand why some publisher hasn’t grabbed this lady up. Her writing is impressive as always and beautiful in the most unconventional ways. I’m not one to generally read a lot of erotica but when I do, she’s top of the list.

Fave Quotes:

I want to look my best when I kill what little innocence and beauty I have left inside of me, and what better way to do it than by burning as bright as a star.

He was unforgiving as I was unrepentant. He took. I gave. He bit. I drew his blood.

Life is a show where my soul is naked, but I’m covered in lies.

 I wasn’t born a monster, though my choices certainly have made me one. But I can’t stop myself. I can’t. Causing pain to others when I’m suffering soothes me.

Fear is a prison. A feeling of crippling power that spreads darkness within. It blinds. It questions. It takes over every decision we make, coloring it with doubt. Fear, for most of us, rules our lives, and it’s only when you conquer it that you can truly live your life to the fullest.

Parting Chances by Caylie Marcoe

parting chances

You can purchase this book here:

Author’s Website:

Author’s facebook:

How many pages: 262

How long to read: 2 days

Song most listened to: 

Marcoe does it again with her second novel, Parting Chances, of pulling at heart strings and writing an amazing story. I went into this book expecting a lot since I thoroughly enjoyed her first book Choose Us and I wasn’t disappointed.

Now, to be honest, I’m kind of tired of author’s playing the cancer storyline so when I really got deep into the story, I was rolling my eyes that this was another one of “those” books. Then suddenly it opened up to me and I had tears in my eyes and my heart was hurting for Haley. I could definitely relate to the trouble the main heroine has with being vulnerable. I really thought it was going to end up being a book that I didn’t enjoy reading but I was pleasantly surprised to get to a point where I stopped everything I was thinking negatively and realized what a beautiful story this actually turned out to be. And not another one of “those cancer books”.

Most importantly, I love a story about an awesome geeky guy which Parting Chances doesn’t come up short of providing with Eli. He’s sweet and caring and patient and the perfect book boyfriend to lose yourself in.

Marcoe perfectly depicts for me a real world reaction to a dire situation and because of that I ended up enjoying everything about this book. There were times I wanted to scream at the main character to buck up and to see that she was wrong. There were times I wanted to yell at Eli for being too much of a door mat but in the end it all comes together in the perfection of such a sweet love story you can’t help but fall in love with both of them.

Pick this up. I love and adore the sweetness with which Caylie Marcoe writes.

Fave Quotes:

Do not shut down. Do not hide from life. Move forward.

Do it now, do it today, do it before you can’t do it anymore.

Shiver: 13 Sexy Tales of Humor and Horror


You Can Purchase this book here:

Better The Devil You Know by Belle Aurora
When you know, you know.

Lights Out by Jodie Beau
A single mom, a single dad, a common enemy. Will their feelings come to light on Halloween?

Spandex is for Superheros by Ruth Clampett
Beware of the terror of your Halloween costume not fitting.

Macabre Magic by L.H. Cosway
Halloween, a bet, one spooky magic trick.

Candy, Dentures, and Way Too Much Spandex by R.S. Grey
He stole my heart in between gyrating geriatrics.

Mystery, Mazto Balls, and Moxie by Z.B. Heller
A mystery weekend gets steamy and stuffed… with food.

A Halloween Hook-up by Jennie Marts
A sexy physic and a private eye solve a ghostly murder.

Peckers by Liv Morris
A hot cop with handcuffs and a dimpled smile can be frighteningly sexy.

Bewitched by Daisy Prescott
A crush. A love spell. What could go wrong?

Red Rum by Ashley Pullo
Trick o’ treat, a girl to meet, blood sangria wicked sweet.

Double Dare by Penny Reid
Never play truth or dare with identical twins.

Nightmare in Night Court by N.M. Silber
When lusty lawyers meet creepy criminals.

One Little Bite by C.C. Wood
Even the big, bad wolf can fall in love.

So, my life is super hectic right now since my family is making a major move from Georgia to North Carolina. My reading time is really limited so I’ve been doing a lot quick and easy reads of novellas and short stories. Just in time for Hallloween a group of authors put together and awesome book of 13 short stories with a lot of suspense and a little bit of saucy. The best part? 100% of the proceeds go to St. Jude’s which is a charity near and dear to my heart.

Let me start off by saying that the name of the book is Shiver and how perfect is that for a Halloweeny read? And the name does it justice as all the book send shivers whether by creepy factor or the shiver of ovaries. Each read had its own unique story line which kept my reading fresh and my mind interested.

I can without a doubt say, and I don’t think I’m being bias even though she IS one of my absolute favorite author’s that Jodie Beau’s story,  Lights Out, was without a doubt my absolute favorite. Her writing is so true to life and witty. And I laughed through the entire thing. And she does that in so few words but without leaving the story lacking. As a stay at home, Pinterest perfect wanna be mom, I could relate so easily to the main character in the story. A lot of times I read just to read and most of those stories don’t really seem to stick with me but hers always do and Lights Out is no exception to this rule.

Another great thing about the Shiver Tales is that I had the chance to be introduced to several authors that I had never read before. Belle Aurora, Daisy Prescott, Penny Reid are just some of the names featured in the book that I had been itching to read. By doing so, I received a great little taste of all their writing styles that earned these author’s a new fan. This was great exposure to some new writing styles I fell to love. And will definitely be picking up some of their other work because of their awesome little, saucy read.

Go help some kids and pick up your copy of Shiver: 13 Sexy Tales of Humor and Horror. You get a fun and fantastic read for Halloween but it’s not so scary you can’t read alone!

Easy Virtue by Mia Asher

If you haven’t read Arsen by Mia Asher yet, you should get on that. Like, put down what you’re currently reading and read it instead. Because it’s heartbreaking and ridiculously good! And I’ve never been so angry at a book in all my life. #TeamArsen!

But through reading Arsen, Mrs. Asher became one of those authors that I will buy her books sight unseen. Because I have that much faith in her talent. I was lucky enough to meet her in Atlanta at a signing and she is personally just as lovely as her writing. THEN! I received the first chapter of her new book coming out on December 3rd called Easy Virtue and OH! MY! GAAAAAAAAHHHD! I wanted to punch the promotions people in the face for just leaving me like that. I am excited, like kids on Christmas with matching pajamas, EXCITED. I’ve been waiting on this one for awhile and seriously December third CAN NOT COME FAST ENOUGH.

But luckily we get to see this little beauty before then. So without further ado, here’s the cover to Mia Asher’s new one, Easy Virtue. Just do yourself a solid and go ahead and pre-order this one when the time comes.

Easy Virtue

Handled Released!


Look what released today!!


If you have yet to read the awesomeness that is Angela Graham and SE Hall, your chance to do so for only 99cents is here!!

Get your copy here: